Another Fabulous Monday

August 2, 2010 at 10:54 am 6 comments

You won’t hear me saying “another fabulous Monday” too often but when it involves sleeping in, a day off work, and Breakfast Quinoa you most certainly will!

But first, check out this thumb claw:

Don’t mess with Texas.  By Texas, I mean Dr. Snuggles

Yesterday was an accomplished day.  I walked 10 km!  I have told this to pretty much every person I have spoken with since then.  I am proud of myself.  I have this wacky theory that as long as I keep myself in relatively good shape, the birthing process should be easy and the little guy will be out of there in, like, four hours.  That’s how it works right?  You get to imagine the kind of birth you want and it just happens?


We walked down to the beach and it was gorgeous out!  I have never seen a Canadian beach filled with so many people before.  This is partly because I very rarely visit Canadian beaches, or when I do, it’s at 8 am in the morning.

Pasty, sun-deprived Canadians

Like these two hotties!

We walked and walked, taking a couple of breaks to eat baby carrots (don’t leave home without them!).  Husband got a craving for a falafel and the beauty of living in Toronto is that a mere five minutes later we came upon a falafel shop.  Now that’s what I’m talking about!

We each ordered a falafel sandwich and shared a bottle of water.

Not bad for $3.50

We continued on our merry way and stopped for another break at Starbucks.  I wanted an iced decaf coffee but they didn’t have any so they gave me an iced decaf Americano for the cheaper price.  Score!

I added cream because that is what I do.

We eventually made our way home and chilled in the basement (literally).  I snacked on some zucchini bread and then made us Green Monsters.  You will notice the rest of the day’s pictures aren’t taken in natural light because I spent the remainder of my time hibernating in the cozy, cool basement.

I made this GM with the usual milk/frozen banana/frozen peach/spinach combo, but my spinach was starting to turn which gave this a very spinach-y flavour.  Ummm, not such a good thing.  But I still drank it!  Waste not, want not.


Because of my determination to spend the rest of the day on my rump, cooking a large meal for dinner wasn’t on the agenda.  We just ended up having grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches.

Grilled cheese sandwiches are severely underrated

I thought this would conclude my day’s eating, but I heard the siren’s call and I could not resist…

Thankfully (or tragically?), the carton is almost empty and this temptation will no longer reside so close to my, um, taste buds.  That is, until a buy another carton…:)

I stayed up WAY too late last night (as did the little man who was kicking away until 2 am!) and woke up around 8:30 am.  I made some Breakfast Quinoa because I am addicted to this stuff!

My plans today involve going to “ribfest” with two carnivores.  A vegetarian nightmare?  Perhaps.  I just am hoping for corn on the cob and lots of it!

Before I forget, here is the Monday Rundown (a synopsis of my miscellaneous spending for the previous week):

Dinner out $20

Change for subway $1

Gum and Christmas cards! $5.4

Coffee $1.89

Coworker gift contribution $20

Coffee $1.89

Gluten-free snack for coworker $4.75

Falafels and water $9.3

Total for week $64.23

Yes, I bought  Christmas cards in July!  They were on sale for $3 so how could I resist?  Like usual, I mostly spent money on food, but I also contributed to my coworker’s departing gift as well as a gluten-free snack for her party (my work’s social policy has changed so they no longer pay for parties!).  She is the one who hired me at my job five years ago and has made my life infinitely easier because of her calm, kind demeanor.  I figured she was worth approximately $24.75.

Now it is time for me to go do nothing.  Happy Monday!

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Frugal Brunch. Frunch? A Vegetarian at Rib Fest: A Hungry Tale

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Stacey @ Tipping the (Kitchen!) Scales  |  August 2, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    That falafel sandwich looks really good.

    I’ve never seen breakfast quinoa before, do you have a recipe?

    • 2. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  August 2, 2010 at 8:02 pm

      Yes, the recipe for Breakfast Quinoa is in my Recipes section! 🙂

  • 3. Heather  |  August 2, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Ha! I would totally buy christmas cards in the summer if I saw them that cheap! Good for you 🙂
    Enjoy your monday!

    • 4. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  August 2, 2010 at 8:02 pm

      Yes, I thought the Christmas card deal was pretty fabulous. I couldn’t resist!

  • 5. Therese  |  August 2, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    For some reason I feel as if I’ve never had a holiday Monday before. Not entirely sure why that is but I’m super grateful to have spent this day doing very little at all!

    Way to go on the 10km! It was definitely a beautiful weekend for being outside!

    • 6. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  August 2, 2010 at 8:03 pm

      Holiday Mondays are the best! Already one day is down and only four more to go! 🙂


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What happens when you love to eat healthy (and some unhealthy!) food, love to live frugally, and love to write? You start a food blog, of course. Of course!

Eating well and living frugally does not always come easy, but Lord help me, I am trying! This blog will detail my endeavor to live the best life possible. This will include pictures of my cats, odes to almond butter, and the general miscellany that makes up my life. Enjoy!

August 2010