No rest for the wicked

January 11, 2011 at 8:29 pm 10 comments

I am not really sure what my subject heading means, but it popped into my mind when I thought “what should I write that conveys how I get, like, no free time after 2 pm?”.  For the past three nights, I’ve tried instilling a bedtime routine for Henry and I have not had much success!  It actually bothers me a lot, because we do the bath/swaddle/nurse routine, and I am positive he will fall asleep…and then he doesn’t!  Right now, he is bathed/swaddled/nursed, but he is wide awake in his swing.  I give up!  I just have one of those babies that doesn’t like to sleep.  Maybe I should cut down on my coffee consumption.

I don’t have much to say and, judging by the number of people who have visited this blog today, it doesn’t matter because there is hardly anybody reading!  lol  But here is a picture of my supper for all the voyeurs out there in the hiz-ouse.

Baked beans, roasted root vegetables, and steamed vegetables.  Fibre much? (That is how I spell fibre!)

Well, the baby is crying so I must end this.  I posted twice today, hurrah for me!  For all seven of you reading this — enjoy! 🙂


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Manic Monday Post-Doritos Productivity

10 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lynn  |  January 11, 2011 at 9:05 pm

    When I nursed I limited my coffee intake and when I did drink coffee, drank lattes. I’m not sure whether this makes a difference.

    • 2. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 12, 2011 at 10:15 am

      I think it must. I am trying a day of decaf today. Wish me luck!

  • 3. Therese  |  January 12, 2011 at 8:02 am

    Ack! That sounds a bit annoying, Mom’s need their sleep the most!

    • 4. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 12, 2011 at 10:15 am

      Tell me about it! Oh well…at least I don’t have to wake up early to go to work!

  • 5. andrea @ a cake for a wife.  |  January 12, 2011 at 9:33 am

    I’m reading, but I do it through my Google Reader! I am sneaky that way. 🙂

    That’s too bad that Henry won’t sleep — I guess he’s already practicing for college!

    • 6. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 12, 2011 at 10:16 am

      You are sneaky! 🙂

      I should not be surprised he is a night owl. His father is the same way! Unfortunately, I am not, and I am the one with the boobs!

  • 7. Erika  |  January 12, 2011 at 9:39 am

    he will get ino his own routine in due time. i know bree didnt sleep longer through the night until about 3 months old. try and nap or atleast rest when he does. it can be hard… i am getting used to the no sleep already. between bree not wanting to sleep, and me being so uncomfortable. good luck hun! here for you anytime 🙂

    • 8. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 12, 2011 at 10:17 am

      He is just a few weeks away from 3 months. I shouldn’t rush it, though. He will only be 2 months old for such a short time. I am looking forward to the longer sleeps, though 🙂

  • 9. Mel  |  January 12, 2011 at 10:46 am

    I used to think that about Rebecca too… that she was a crappy sleeper because I drank a lot of caffeine. But I drink way more caffeine now and Nolan is a great sleeper. So now I think that it’s just their personalities. At almost 3 Rebecca is still a crappy sleeper. And Nolan is a “morning person” … who knows where he got that from… my point is, you never know what you’re going to get! So don’t beat yourself up over a cup of coffee… happy moms are better moms!

    • 10. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 12, 2011 at 12:54 pm

      Such a sweet, welcome comment! Thank you so much, Mel. I raise my cup of coffee in your direction! 🙂


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What happens when you love to eat healthy (and some unhealthy!) food, love to live frugally, and love to write? You start a food blog, of course. Of course!

Eating well and living frugally does not always come easy, but Lord help me, I am trying! This blog will detail my endeavor to live the best life possible. This will include pictures of my cats, odes to almond butter, and the general miscellany that makes up my life. Enjoy!

January 2011