My 2011 Resolution

December 31, 2010 at 9:56 am 7 comments

December 31st is finally here.  Before declaring my resolution for 2011, it is important to first contemplate and re-cap 2010!

My new years resolution for 2010 was to get pregnant and have a baby and, indeed, that is what I did.  Pat on the ol’ back for me!  Since that first declaration at the stroke of midnight, the whole process went amazingly and almost too-good-to-be-true-smoothly.  I got pregnant in mid-February and every midwife appointment, every ultrasound, and every blood test had positive results.  I gained around 30 pounds and, as if this writing, have lost almost all of it.  Aside from some mild nausea in the beginning and some hip pain while I slept toward the end, I never experienced any discomfort.  I had a 40 hour labour, but aside from some icky meconium in the amniotic fluid that necessitated some uncomfortable fetal heart monitoring, the birthing experience went fantastically well (as fantastically well as pushing 7 pounds and 9 ounces of flesh and bones out of one’s body can be!).

And now I’ve got one of these!

You can’t buy this kind of cuteness

Motherhood is much more than I thought it would be.  If there is one word I had to use to describe it, I would say “relentless”.  There is no break.  It is a 24/7 job that is going to last me the rest of my life.  Even during one of the three times I have left him (for 1/2 hour at most), I constantly check my phone to see if there are any messages and I race back home as soon as I can.  He is my #1.  Every decision I make from hereon in will be informed by what is best for him, which leads me to my resolution for 2011…

To fail.

What a resolution, eh?  I wanted something bold and memorable and I think I have achieved it.

The main concern that occupies my mind these days is how I am going to balance a career/making money with motherhood once my leave is over in November 2011.  I have 11 months to go, but I am a planner and like to have a blueprint for what is to come.  Every day, I brainstorm ways to balance motherhood with financial well-being that doesn’t include winning the lottery (although that is my daily fantasy.  Cottage in the Muskokas y’say?!!?).  In an ideal world, I would be a stay-at-home-mom who bakes bread, hangs laundry in the sunshine, grows tomatoes in my garden, and guides Henry through all of life’s trials and tribulations.  (It sounds like I want to live on Little House on the Prairie, doesn’t it?). Really, I just want more time with my husband and baby boy.  I think that is what it boils down to.

I know being a stay-at-home-mom isn’t possible, so I am slowly constructing ideas of how I can be a part-time stay-at-home-mom while still making timely payments on my mortgage.  There is no perfect solution – at least not one I have thought of yet – which means that the odds of me experiencing failure while I search for a solution are great.  But I think I am ready to fail, or at least to experience failure with many contingency plans in place.  Being in the best financial situation I can be come November 2011 is paramount.  Frugality is going to reach all-time highs this year!  Just you wait and see…

So there it is. I want to fail.  More specifically, I want to shuck the familiar in an attempt to find a path that may be more challenging (and full of more failures) but will ultimately be a better choice for my family.

And I want to blog about it 🙂

May all of your resolutions, whatever they may be, come true in 2011.  As every motivational speaker in the history of the world has said — you can do anything you set your mind to.


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2010 Maple Walnut Quinoa

7 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Therese  |  December 31, 2010 at 10:12 am

    I love your resolution and although I didn’t birth a kid this year my resolution has similar elements. I’ll be looking for part-time work around summertime so I can focus more on finishing school and getting onto a career path that is more challenging and more fulfilling. Thankfully I have Alan at my back to let me do this and take up a bit more of the slack if I don’t end up making as much as I do now (which isn’t much anyway!)

    Hope you have a great New Year and can’t wait to read all about it!!!

    • 2. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  December 31, 2010 at 11:24 am

      It sounds like we are both taking giant leaps in the professional/career realm in 2011. I look forward to reading about yours!

  • 3. Sarah  |  December 31, 2010 at 11:12 am

    Is that the sleeper my mom gave you? Does it fit already? I remember thinking “this will be waaay too big”. In that picture Henry is thinking “alright Mom, enough pictures…this better not be going online”…. LOL

    • 4. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  December 31, 2010 at 11:24 am

      Indeed it is, and indeed it does! He is wearing 3 month clothing now. Can you believe it? Remember when everything was so huge on him?

  • 5. Mel  |  December 31, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    I went through the same thing after Rebecca was born. It’s hard and scary to make such a big change but it is so worth it. Good luck and happy new year!

    • 6. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  December 31, 2010 at 7:00 pm

      I wish I had a situation similar to yours 🙂 If only I knew how these dastardly computers work! hehe

  • […] of 2011 and try to accomplish some mini-goals.  2011 is all about goals, I guess!  Fitting, since my 2011 resolution is to fail! […]


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What happens when you love to eat healthy (and some unhealthy!) food, love to live frugally, and love to write? You start a food blog, of course. Of course!

Eating well and living frugally does not always come easy, but Lord help me, I am trying! This blog will detail my endeavor to live the best life possible. This will include pictures of my cats, odes to almond butter, and the general miscellany that makes up my life. Enjoy!

December 2010