Shoes for your butt. What will they think of next?

May 6, 2011 at 7:13 pm 5 comments

As an early Mother’s Day gift, my in-laws offered to pick up a pair of running shoes for me at Costco since I don’t have a membership.  I am not a picky person, so I didn’t really care what they looked like.  All I heard was “Adidas” and “$36”, and I was sold.  They ended up selecting a few different brands for me to try on, including a pair of those butt-toning shoes.  You know the ones?  They look like platform sneakers and they feel REALLY WEIRD, like the ball of the foot is on a downward slope.  Apparently they are supposed to singlehandedly transform you into Gisele Bündchen, so I figured I’d give them a whirl.  “Happy Mother’s Day to me!” says my soon-to-be-toned butt.

A toned butt can be yours for the low, low price of $26.00 CAD

During the night after first wearing them, I felt quite sore in my calves and butt.  At first I forgot about the shoes but then I quickly remembered — my butt was being toned!  Of course I would be sore!  Metamorphosing into Gisele has got to be at least a little bit painful, am I right?

It’s only been a couple of weeks so I haven’t noticed any visual difference in my legs and butt, but I certainly feel like walking is more of a challenge.  Muscles I haven’t felt since the late 1990s feel much more sore and tight.  Honestly, I don’t have high hopes that my Brazilian supermodel career is about to take off, but wearing these shoes has been an easy and interesting way to spice up my daily walks.

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5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Erika  |  May 7, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    are there belly toning shoes out there? thats what i need to loose!

  • 2. Mel  |  May 10, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    But what can you wear on your butt that will keep your feet warm & dry?

  • 4. Ray  |  April 10, 2012 at 11:27 pm

    This blog sucks!

    • 5. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  April 11, 2012 at 7:36 am

      I’m sorry you feel this way, Ray. I have a new, better blog that you should check out. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback about it and it covers a wider range of topics! Let me know what you think! 🙂


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What happens when you love to eat healthy (and some unhealthy!) food, love to live frugally, and love to write? You start a food blog, of course. Of course!

Eating well and living frugally does not always come easy, but Lord help me, I am trying! This blog will detail my endeavor to live the best life possible. This will include pictures of my cats, odes to almond butter, and the general miscellany that makes up my life. Enjoy!

May 2011