
January 14, 2011 at 9:31 am 6 comments

I am not feeling very creative today, thus my perfunctory subject heading! I am a bit bummed out, actually. Ang and I were heading to Niagara today with the hopes of going across the river to Niagara Falls, NY to go shopping at Target, that great bastion of American consumerism (love those Archer Farms products!). However, she’s come down with a cold and I don’t want to risk my own health (and especially Henry’s) all for the sake of cheap Kashi cereal, y’know? So we will stay home and save our American pennies for another day. Ang, I hope you feel better!

I have been on a little Green Monster kick this week and I was happy to see that Oh She Glow‘s recently wrote about her own creation of the famous Green Monster.  Today I’ve decided to be a deliberate copycat and show you my own, favourite Green Monster, which is pretty much exactly the same as hers!

Mine contains:

1 cup of cow’s milk

1 spoonful of ground flax seed

1/2 cup of frozen raspberries

2 handfuls of spinach

1/2 banana

Blended to create my favourite drink!

Served with a slice of healthy banana bread!

I also had a hard-boiled egg because I was feeling the need for some extra protein.  You know how it goes.


Well, we are smack dab in the middle of January and I was thinking WHEN IS SPRING GOING TO GET HERE? But also I was thinking that the most depressing day of the year surely must be around the corner and I was right.  It is!  Circle Monday, January 24th on your calendar as the day to be grumpy, upset, sad, and p#@ed off!  You have every right to be, you know.  It’s the most depressing day of the year!  I think I will stockpile the chocolate and PVR’d episodes of The Soup for just this very day.

I believe we are being hit with even more snow later today and tomorrow and, honestly, I don’t mind winter that much when I can stay inside with my baby, huddled under blankets.  When I was working my keester off this summer, I had a coworker who would constantly remind me that life would be so different this winter when I got to stay home with my baby boy.  I remember how much those words comforted me and now I am living them!  It’s true.  I would much rather stay at home with Henry in the winter then be at work in the summer.  I am especially looking forward to staying home with Henry in the summer.  Oh, the fun we will have together going for walks in the stroller, having picnics on the beach, and going swimming at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s.  I wonder if he will help me plan my tomato garden?

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Forever Lazy Cop out?

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. andrea @ a cake for a wife.  |  January 14, 2011 at 10:55 am

    Aw…reading this made me really excited to have a baby some day. Or maybe just have more picnics on the beach. 🙂 You guys are going to have so much fun!

    • 2. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 14, 2011 at 5:06 pm

      One of the neatest things about having a baby is getting to do such simple stuff but like you are doing it for the first time. I don’t wish this winter to go quickly, but I am most definitely looking forward to outings to the beach!

  • 3. Erika  |  January 14, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    why is the 24th going to be such a bad day?

    • 4. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 14, 2011 at 5:04 pm

      Every year, scientific calculations based on things like weather, amount of time after christmas etc., predict the most depressing day of the year, i.e. the day that the most people will be depressed. This year it falls on Monday, January 24th. Weird, eh?

  • 5. Lynn  |  January 14, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    I’m told that Canadians pronounce Target, Targé rhymes with and suggesting, some caché, relative at least to Walmart or Zellers. I hear the business plan is to move into Canada in 2013 via former Zellers locations. But will Targé lose caché if so accessible to Canadians?

    • 6. Frugal 'n' Fit!  |  January 16, 2011 at 8:58 am

      I wonder if Targé will lose some of its appeal since it won’t be such a special excursion anymore. However, my love of Target is so strong that I am willing to risk it and find out for myself! 🙂


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What happens when you love to eat healthy (and some unhealthy!) food, love to live frugally, and love to write? You start a food blog, of course. Of course!

Eating well and living frugally does not always come easy, but Lord help me, I am trying! This blog will detail my endeavor to live the best life possible. This will include pictures of my cats, odes to almond butter, and the general miscellany that makes up my life. Enjoy!

January 2011